The Botanist: Application
We fund both students and organisations.
Support for students living on Islay
The Botanist Foundation offers financial support for applicants wishing to study and pursue careers relevant to the ethos of the foundation, for example, in the fields of biodiversity, conservation and sustainability. This support will not be restricted to those applying to academic institutions but will also apply to internships, apprenticeships and other practical learning environments where the applicant would not be able to pursue their education without financial help.
Financial support is given in the form of a bursary, up to a maximum amount of £1000 per year, which must be applied for annually. Successful applicants will be paid on a yearly basis for the duration of the course to which the bursary applies. The award of the bursary is contingent on the continuation of the applicant’s studies.
Support for organisations seeking funding in the fields of biodiversity, conservation and sustainability
The Botanist Foundation is pleased to offer support to biodiversity, conservation and sustainability programmes. Although we work primarily with local organisations, we will support other compatible bodies by way of project funding, memberships and donations. We will look favourably upon funding proposals concerning the sustainability and conservation of national biodiversity out with Islay. However, Islay based projects will always be our priority.
All applicants must be able to demonstrate a real understanding and knowledge of the proposal they are seeking funding for. They must also indicate the key outcomes that the funding will help deliver, provide a fully costed project where appropriate and indicate additional funding sources, both agreed and in discussion at the time of application.
Find out more about The Botanist Foundation. If you need help, please email
What is The Botanist Foundation?
The Botanist Foundation was set up by Bruichladdich Distillery on the Isle of Islay in 2015 to work with the people of Islay and beyond to further the understanding and conservation of the island’s biodiversity.
What does it fund?
The aim of The Botanist Foundation is to work with the people of Islay and beyond in the fields of biodiversity, conservation and sustainability. We focus on plants and the factors that affect them including climate change, habitat loss and transformation, over and under exploitation, alien invasive species, pollution, clearing for agriculture and other developments.
How do I apply?
If you are a student on Islay wishing to apply for a grant to pursue further education please read our finding guidelines and apply here. Organisations wishing to apply should read our guidelines for project funding here.
Is there anything it doesn’t fund?
We are sorry but we will not be able to consider applications for funding for projects associated with projects incompatible with the Funding Strategy outlined in our application page and:
- Religious practices
- Health and medical services other than plant-based research
- Retrospective funding
- People and animal welfare charities